Equipment to convert slides to digital images
Equipment to convert slides to digital images

equipment to convert slides to digital images

If that’s your preference, we offer this feature – so just let us know when you submit your order online or visit our stores and we can export a set of. jpg files, which work fine on the web and are generally easiest for uploading and downloading. Our higher resolution slide scanning at 2000-4000 DPI is generally overkill for online viewing and will allow for excellent display, especially on phones and mobile applications. You own them and they are yours to share as you please, be it on websites, Instagram, in articles you are publishing, in email attachments or anywhere else. Of course! We do not put any sort of copyright on our slide scans. Can I share scanned slides online? How will they look?

equipment to convert slides to digital images

They’ll be small, but at least you won’t be holding them up to your overhead light in the kitchen. For non-standard slides, the options are less convenient, but a light table can help you view batches of slides conveniently. Alternatively, old 35mm slide projectors can be found that will let you put enlargements on your wall. For 35mm slides, you might find a PanaVue device online for under $100 that allows you to insert slides into a magnifying device. If you do take on this challenge, some equipment will help with selection before scanning. That said, there are still plenty of slides people may prefer not to scan, and it ultimately is a personal question whether the time spent to declutter slides is worth it. The good news is that slides were the dominion of good photographers and were relatively costly to make, so people tended to avoid unnecessary slide creation, and there wasn’t the duplicate phenomenon we encountered later with print photos. There’s good news and bad news when it comes to slide selection. How do I decide which slides to get scanned? However, if you prefer to have them returned in a more space efficient fashion, please let us know. Our default is to return them as is in their original boxes or carousels. We return your slides to you after we scan them. This happens in well less than 1% of the slides we encounter. It costs more, but can be done if absolutely necessary. Even if slides are in bad shape, the worst case scenario is that we remove the film positives from the slide mounts and scan the raw film. 35mm slides represent ~95% of our scanning requests, but we can handle all of the other formats as well. Advanced barcode tracking and email technology to keep you updated along the way.Īre there any kinds of slides that you cannot digitize?


180-days of free backup cloud storage afterward (in addition to your USB or DVD). Security: Alarmed, sprinklered, camera-monitored lab during transfer.For all the technical, nitty gritty details, click here: And short, damaged or blank tapes are proactively discounted. We don’t send back non-easy, broken, or moldy items.

equipment to convert slides to digital images

Fair: We don’t cut off tapes at the two hour mark.Affordable: Our prices are competitive and we include much, much more for your dollar.Time Efficient: Over 90% of orders completed in under one month.And we don’t ask you to disassemble carousels or binders and get things out of order. Respect: No upfront payments and no rushed decisions.Comprehensive: We scan standard 35mm slides, 3D stereo slides, 127 super slides, 126 slides, 110 slides, 120 slides and more.Communication: We offer a dedicated point of contact for no charge for orders of all sizes to help you talk through the many decisions that arise when scanning a photo collection.Organization: Everything preserved as is, in order, with labeled folders, captions and metadata.Trust: Over 40 million memories preserved, 30+ years experience, 60+ expert technicians.Convenience: Home pickups, over 40 local stores, and easy shipping kits.

Equipment to convert slides to digital images